I’m glad I read this upon waking. But the truth is I feel so alone in my grief. I’m the only one in my family who went to college and that has corresponded with other predictable differences like my political views; even my partner doesn’t understand why I’m “so upset” today. This is hard. Really hard. And the people I usually go to when I’m in pain are inaccessible to me for this pain. Thank you for the quick reminder. I will need more of this over the next several days.

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Heidi, I really do get it. And please post anything and I will try and respond.

I have 3 daughters. They will have this president now for all 4 years of their college.

My mind is all over the place.

Know that I am with you. Much love and kindness.

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Thank you 🙏

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I am listening walking alongside you.

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Thank you 🙏 the solidarity with people I’ve never met in real life is pretty comforting and validating. I’m grateful to be part of a larger community for sure.

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Brilliant post. My friends are absolutely imperative in my life. We don’t always have to agree. We can agree not to discuss what our differences are or we can decide to talk about it. But regardless, there is mutual respect and reciprocity. True friends are the ripest most delicious fruit on my tree of life!

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Sensible, true, and helpful. Thank you for your strength and intelligence.

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I appreciate that Todd. Hope it helps people weather their relationships.

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Fantastic post Todd! This is the kind of attitude we need more of in the world!

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Nov 7
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Thanks! So glad it resonated

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