I think you almost have a great book title here - emotional alchemy.

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Ooooh I really like that!!

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Right. Change the order and you have a very different psychological experience. There’s that mental switch - oooh this is going to be a story I tell ____ and then the cognitive systems active differently. Thanks for this add on!

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It turns the power of your presence into a bi-directional alchemical tool.

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What is amazing is that when you know you want to tell about it:

-you pay attention

-you get astonished

That is the power of a creative life.

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Todd, I love this. One of the things that I think has been overlooked in self-actualization theory and research is how we meaningfully use the moments of our life, rather than aiming to embody some specific characteristics or traits.

Underneath the question of "how do I fulfill my potential?", is really a question regarding "how do I meaningfully spend the limited time across my life?".

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