I am provoked to realise that often all I buy are alibis which my future self has to pay for. Stumbled across a ChatGPT AI powered future me (#MITFutureYou) so I asked what advice my 60 year old self can give me to move past procrastinating.

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that sounds so cool - do you have a link? I saw that video going around with a teacher showing children an image of them 30 years letter dressed for their dream profession. Really powerful to see the kids faces.

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Have a try https://futureyou.life/#

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this is a gift for me and my girls, thanks!

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I needed to read this today. Yes, the alibi note too, I am an expert at finding them.

There is nourishing and there is over-indulging. Thank you for threading this line graciously, Todd. Your work not only counts, but it matters.

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And thank you!!

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In Romanian we say “cu placere”. With pleasure!

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I love your framing even better.

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