Hi Todd, I've wanted to ask you this question on your member's Zoom call, but the time-zone difference doesn't fit for me. Since my question fits with the theme of therapy, I hope it's ok to ask you here. I know you're a prominent Social Anxiety researcher. I'm wondering what your stance is in relation to the Dodo Effect and Social Anxiety? Is there any solid evidence that any of CBT, Meta-CT, ACT, etc. or straight behavioural-only approaches are superior for Social Anxiety? Or have no trials done a head-to-head comparison that could answer this question? Obviously, just statistically, one would expect to have some trials claim one approach is superior but it seems to me, on general, the Dodo Effect still stands on solid ground. However, would you recommend people with Social Anxiety start with one particular approach, or are they all similar in effectiveness? Thank you!

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Hey Michael. One of these days I’ll find a time slot that fits you. The quick answer is you nailed it - there’s no evidence that any of these cognitive behavioral therapies is superior to any other.

Now for kids I strongly encourage you to check out Social Effectiveness Therapy. By Deborah Beidel and Sam Turner. So freaking cool and nobody is talking about it. They hire super popular emotionally intelligent kids from other schools to help teach them social skills and invest in positive events with kids. I probably have to write about it as I’m a fan boy.

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Arcade Therapeutics also has a novel digital therapeutic product for social anxiety called Star Starter. I am not sure how they are distributing it these days but if you contact them you may be able to use it.

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Oh, this sounds interesting..."playing with a capybara"!

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Watch those finger tips

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Thank you Todd. And what a great idea - hire other kids. Brilliant!

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