Your post on ending friendships for me was like cutting through steel. One thing that popped up was ultimatums for what you thought were sublimely teeny pieces of your jigsaw puzzle of life only to find out for the other person they were that last puzzle piece they needed to nail your rear end to the wall!

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There an interesting analysis. Ultimatums and hostage threats are always a dangerous precedent unless absolutely needed.

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Wow--how timely, Todd! Shortly after I wrap up reading this article, an in-person, friendship-breakup-scene happens on “This Way Up.” And I was talking earlier today with someone about some of my friendships that did not survive the past decade or so. The latter part of the article was especially helpful around this phenomena.

Perhaps the lingering question for me is when an active breakup with someone who is not a close friend, but with whom you’ve had a few meaningful-enough interactions to question whether or not a “fade-away” solution is warranted or if an active conversation is needed. I don’t ever want to be cowardly about anything unless I *need* to for some reason.

Your article will certainly help me process a bit more deeply around some of my friendships...

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