I really enjoy where this conversation has taken us.

Personally, I think that the little c is a vital source of creativity, since that’s where personal growth and evolution occurs. We dare to break our own personal mundane patterns to try something “new to us”, this generates ripples of confidence, learning, and further exploration.

This then changes how we interact with peers and family; and how they react to us. Just because it lacks societal scale doesn’t mean that is not monumental.

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Absolutely. My interest is in little-c during conversations. Something that has still been ignored. Which amazes me.

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Here’s my level 4 creative genius: Jacob Collier. He is wise behind his years. He is deeply attuned to what he calls “the infinity of choices.” https://youtu.be/eVkaNI17ZoI?si=4-RSko2oEeVMHBdp

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Putting this on my playlist!

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“Beyond” aggghhh..

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