Welcome to Dr. Todd Kashdan’s newsletter, Provoked

Gain access to the best psychological knowledge for enhancing well-being, mental fortitude, social relationships, and principled dissent. For over two decades, I’ve been studying these topics at The Well-Being Laboratory.

Provoked is a reader-supported publication. Become a free or paid subscriber. Paid subscribers get extras including virtual calls and subscriber-only content.

As a scientist, author, and psychologist, I curate interesting content and offer killer recommendations. If you want insight into my approach, here are some examples:

Is this newsletter for you?

It’s for anyone bored of regurgitated, overly simplistic notions of well-being and organizational design. You don’t need another screed on the benefits of mindfulness, kindness, and gratitude. You don’t benefit from well-worn phrases such as “other people matter” or “diversity is essential.”

It’s for people yearning for justice in the world. More freedom. More financial stability. More purpose. More community. More humanity. It’s for people who understand that we desperately need free-thinkers willing to disrupt unhelpful norms for the sake of progress. (Provoked is also for people who don’t take themselves too seriously and think it’s okay to have fun.)

This newsletter extends my books, The Art of Insubordination: How to Dissent and Defy Effectively and The Upside of Your Dark Side and Curious? (long before being anointed the most desirable strength in leaders).

Here’s what to expect: a few times per month you will receive a short read in your inbox with thought provoking ideas and strategies. If you become a paid subscriber, you get direct access to me through comments, special issues, and private Ask Me Anything virtual sessions.

Welcome to Provoked - where we believe curious, courageous exploration is less risky than complacency.


Subscribe to Provoked with Dr. Todd Kashdan

For people seeking sophisticated content on well-being and human performance. Access new psychological angles on conventional practices.


Professor, Psychologist, Founder of The Well-Being Lab for 20+ years, and author of Curious?, The Upside of Your Dark Side, and The Art of Insubordination