Mind-Blowing Insights: My Top 10 Psychology Findings Nobody is Mentioning This Year
For Premium Members: The Best Research I Read This Year
Ever waded through a sea of scientific articles, only to find most are as thrilling as watching paint dry? Despite my years in research since 1998, I still encounter studies that make me question their value.
With several books under my belt and a relentless quest for credible, captivating science, I've realized that gems are rare. Nine out of ten times, I finish reading a journal article, shake my head, and think, "Well, that was a dud."
But wait! The ten studies below are different. They've not only caught my eye but also reshaped my thinking. My suspicion is you might just find them as enlightening as I did.
To avoid conflict of interest, I do not include articles my team published this year, including (with
):To ensure you can explore these studies yourself, I've provided links for each of my top 10 psychological science reads. Keep in mind, their publication dates may vary.
Here’s a hint of the first three in store for premium members below:
The Powerful Predictor of Culture Change that Nobody is Discussing
The Sheer Rarity of Finding an Exceptional Partner, Friend, or Colleague
The Romantic Relationship Secret to Career Success
So don’t wait, sign up now, and read everything below with this treat: